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Updated forms and information on the convention for frequent home hemodialysis

Since 2024, short daily home hemodialysis (SD-HHD) is available and reimbursed in Switzerland, thanks to a convention between the insurance companies, the providers, and the Swiss Society of Nephrology.
So far, the project is a success, and 14 patients have started or will start shortly in different parts of Switzerland (for the pilot project, 20 can be included).
Recently, some minor modifications have been applied to the convention (Form 1 and 2: “ Nx stage changed to “Nx stage HDVision”). The convention has now also been translated in french and in italian (see attachments).
Therefore, may we ask you to use one of the attached forms (at the end of the conventions) for future patients?

The procedure remains the same:
-Before an interested patient can start with this therapy, the treating nephrologist must check that the inclusion criteria are respected (see Anhang/annexe/allegato 2) and verifies that the patient is insured by Helsana, Sanitas, KPT or an insurance company affiliated with SVK (CSS has NOT signed the convention, and thus far, patients insured at CSS cannot participate).
-When the inclusion criteria are respected, the nephrologist fills in the anonymized form (Formular /Formulaire/Formulario 1) and sends this form to the dialysis commission (
-The dialysis commission will verify that all conditions are fulfilled. If so, the dialysis commission will transmit their decision to the treating nephrologist.
– Once the dialysis commission has approved the application and informed the nephrologist of this decision, the treating nephrologist will fill in the second form (Formular/Formulaire/Formulario 2, Kostengutsprache (KoGu)) and send both forms to the insurance company (SVK or HSK).

Please don not hesitate to contact a member of the dialysis commission in case of further questions.

Vereinbarung (Deutsch)

Vereinbarung (Franz.)

Vereinbarung (ital.)