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CME credits

The SSN awards credits for specialty-specific continuing education in nephrology.

It recognizes certain continuing education courses automatically, others upon application.

Fortbildungsordnung (FBO) SIWF
Medizin-ethische Richtlinien - SAMW
Zusammenarbeit von medizinischen Fachpersonen mit der Industrie - 2022
SAMW - Checkliste betreffend Vergabe von Credits für Fortbildungsveranstaltungen
Diese Checkliste muss ausgefüllt mit dem Gesuch an die SGN gesendet werden.
Directives médico-éthiques - ASSM
Collaboration des professions de la santé avec l'industrie - 2022
♦  ASSM - Checklist concernant l’attribution de crédits pour des sessions de formation continue
Cette check-list doit être remplie et envoyée à la SSN avec la demande.
Medical-ethical Guidelines - SAMW
Collaboration between medical professionals and industry - 2022

The scientifically responsible physician of a continuing education course can apply for credits at the SSN.

Fill out the online form and upload the program

Processing time: usually 10 working days (calculated after receipt of complete documents)

If you request a website publication you must send the final program to the SSN Back Office without invitation.

As of January 1, 2022, there is a fee for processing applications for NON-SSN members.
Credit allocation by SSN and online publication (plus VAT)
The processing fee is charged for accreditation - even for rejected (for example: monosponsoring) applications.

  • SSN Member                     No fee
  • NON-SSN member          CHF 150.00 + VAT
  • + ONLINE Publication   CHF   50.00 + VAT

You receive the invoice by mail and we kindly ask you to pay within 14 days


(please do not use capital letters)

In principle, an application must be submitted for each event

Provide email where registration is possible

Upload the Flyer and/or program in PDF format (max. 6mb)




If YES, please list all companies. According to the SAMW guidelines mono sponsoring is not permitted

Each participant requires a certificate of participation issued by the organizer, which must include the following details:

  • Name of the event
  • Place and date
  • Number of credits
  • Signature of the scientifically responsible

NOTE: The attending physician is responsible that he/she receives the certificate and must archive these for 10 years.

You can find the document to download and fill in at the top of the page under the heading: "Documents - SAMW Guidelines - Checklist"

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