- Arbeitsgruppe Lipide und Atherosklerose
- Groupe de travail Lipides et Athérosclérose
- kosek - Nationale Koordination Seltene Krankheiten
- nephrotox: Data Base for Chemicals, Drugs, Poisons and other related Medical Interventions
- Schweizerische Nierenstiftung / Fondation Suisse du Rein
- Swiss Transplantation Society
- Swiss Transplant Cohort Study
- Schweizer Lebendspender-Gesundheitsregister SOL-DHR/SNO
- Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research - Kidney Control of homeostasis (NCCR)
- Swiss Kidney stone cohort
- Swiss Society of Hypertension
- Kids Kidney Care
- Verband Nierenpatienten Schweiz
- Nephroblog
- Schweizer Gesellschaft polyzystischer Nierenerkrankung
Société Suisse de polykystose rénale - AIRG - Association pour l'Information et la Recherche sur les maladies Rénales d'origine Génétique Section Suisse Romande
- The Nephcure Foundation
- cyberNephrology
- Dialysenverträge SVK
- The Swiss SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Cohort Study
- Schweizerische Lupus Erythematodes Vereinigung
- Fondation SemraPlus
- Nomenklatur
- Nomenclature
myHEALTH campaign |
Nieren leiden leise |
I reni soffrono in silenzio |
Les reins souffrent en silence |
SmarterMedicine campaign |
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Broschüren / Flyer / Videos / u.a. Informationen |
- Richtlinien zu Screening und Identifikation der Chronischen Niereninsuffizienz für Allgemeinmediziner und Internisten
Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie (SGN) besitzt das Copyright an diesem Dokument und es ist nur für den privaten und individuellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Für alle anderen Verwendungen (z.B. Massendrucke, Vertrieb durch Industriepartner, u.a.) wenden Sie sich bitte an das SSN Office.
- Screening and identification of Chronic Kidney Disease for general practitioners
The Swiss Society of Nephrology (SSN) holds the copyright to this document and it is intended for private and individual use only. For all other uses (e.g. mass printing, distribution by industry partners, etc.) please contact the SSN Office.
- Recommandations pour le dépistage et l’identification de l’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) pour les médecins généralistes
La Société Suisse de Néphrologie (SSN) détient les droits d'auteur de ce document et il est destiné uniquement à un usage privé et individuel. Pour toute autre utilisation (p. ex. impression en masse, distribution par des partenaires industriels, entre autres), veuillez-vous adresser au SSN Office.
- Raccomandazioni per l’identificazione della malattia renale cronica per medici generalisti
La Società Svizzera di Nefrologia (SSN) detiene il copyright di questo documento, che è destinato esclusivamente a un uso privato e individuale. Per tutti altri usi (ad esempio, stampa di massa, distribuzione da parte di partner industriali, ecc.) mettere in contatto con l'ufficio SSN.
- Diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes: a consensus statement from the Swiss Societies of Diabetes and Nephrology
Anne Zanchi, Andreas W. Jehle, Faiza Lamine, Bruno Vogt, Cecilia Czerlau, Stefan Bilz, Harald Seeger, Sophie de Seigneux,
Cite this as: Swiss Med Wkly. 2023;153:40004 - Nephrology Worldwide
José A. Moura-Neto, José Carolino Divino-Filho, Claudio Ronco
Moura-Neto JA, Divino-Filho JC, Ronco C, editors. Nephrology Worldwide. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2021. 751 p. - Final Public Report EDITH (The Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes)
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the cause of substantial morbidity and mortality and results in major burden to both, individual patients and society as a whole. It has been estimated that about 10% of the population in Europe is affected by CKD and the number of patients is expected to grow as the prevalence of typical risk factors for CKD, such as diabetes and hypertension, is still increasing. CKD is divided into five stages, with stage I describing normal kidney functioning but evidence of kidney damage up to stage V representing kidney failure............. - Le progrès en néphrologie: bénéfique pour les patients et les coûts
Pierre-Yves Martin
Service de Néphrologie HUG, Président Société Suisse de Néphrologie (2017) - Fortschritte in der Nephrologie: Vorteilhaft für Patienten und Kosten
Pierre-Yves Martin
Nephrologische Abteilung HUG, Präsident der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie (2017)
At the request of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, and noting the interest of the Swiss Academy for Quality in Medicine and a similar initiative of the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Board of the Swiss Society of Nephrology joined the international campaign "Choosing Wisely ".
The campaign aims at promoting doctor-patient dialogue and contains medical guidelines in case of unfavorable individual risk-benefit balance.