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Translational Nephrology Module

26/03/2021 - 02/07/2021

The blended e-learning continuing education Translational Nephrology course provides extensive insights into the basics of nephrology. It is organized by the Health Sciences eTraining Foundation (HSeT) in collaboration with numerous specialists of the NCCR Kidney.CH and consists of six separate four-months modules (three per year) focusing on different areas of kidney function in health and disease. Successful participation in a module is rewarded with 8 CE credits recognized by the SGN/SSN. Successful participation in the whole cycle entitles to a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) of the University of Bern (see website

Letter of invitation to participate in course module “Oxygen Signaling and Cancer”

General Information and conditions of participation
– The course is open to graduates in medicine or life sciences interested in strengthening their knowledge and understanding in renal pathophysiology and research. For admission, a master degree or equivalent in medicine or life sciences is required. The courses are limited to a maximum of 24 persons.
– Course language is English. The University of Bern is the site for all face-to-face courses (kick-off and return face-to-face sessions) which may however be given (also) via ZOOM, depending on the epidemiologic situation. Participation charge is Fr. 500.- per module (see website This fee is waived for students, members and affiliates of the NCCR Kidney.CH.

Registration: For registration, please sign in and specify Module 4 in the drop-down menu ‘Registration for’. Register asap and latest until Monday March 22, 2021.

If you have some specific questions, don’t hesitate to ask François Verrey (

High quality research in renal physiology has a long tradition in Switzerland. The continuous education programme Translational Nephrology provides extensive insights into the basics of nephrology by studying the physiological and pathophysiological bases of kidney function in health and disease.
Starting with clinical cases and key articles illustrating the translational aspects, the topic is further explored by blended-learning including face-to-face sessions with module leaders and tutors, access to annotated online-resources, self-guided e-learning, presentations and assessments.


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