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SSN-Virtual Swiss Kidney Labmeeting


The “Virtual Swiss Kidney Labmeeting” will take place every last Thursday of the month at 4PM on zoom.

Everyone affiliated with a Swiss research institution is welcome to join.
Please register once to receive the Zoom link here. 
The final program and zoom link to join the meeting will be distributed after registration

The idea of such a virtual meeting was put forward by and is under the patronage of the Swiss Society of Nephrology and its scientific committee. It aims to connect renal related research in Switzerland and serve as a forum for open discussions and exciting new findings.

However, the meeting is open to non-SSN members and anyone associated with a Swiss research institution interested in kidney related science. If you know of others who might be interested in joining, please freely forward this email.

Soeren Lienkamp, organizer of the Virtual Swiss Kidney Labmeeting
Jan Loffing, president of the SSN scientific committee
Olivier Bonny, president of the SSN

Preliminary program (subject to change)

Information: Soeren Lienkamp

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