Join SSN today and support Swiss wide efforts in advancing kidney care.
The benefits of SSN membership are:
Possibility to actively work within the Swiss Nephrology Society, be part of the Board, or participate to
various commissions or to the Dialysis registry,...
Receive E-mail notifications on nephrology news, CME information, new health policies and much more...
Reduced registration fee at the Swiss Nephrology annual Meeting
Unrestricted access to the members only pages of the website.
Get the pdf of lectures given during the annual meeting!
Exclusive access to the SSN membership directory
Membership fee
FMH/ISFM title
CHF Fee/Year
With FMH/ISFM title
You carry an FMH/ISFM title in either internal medicine, nephrology, pediatrics or equivalent title from other countries
Without FMH/ISFM title
You do not carry an FMH/ISFM title
You are retired but wish to have the collective ISN membership
You are retired and do not wish the ISN collective membership
Young Swiss Nephrology (YSN)
You are a young physician with completed state examination or academic with university degree and are interested in nephrology
ISN membership is not included in this category
ISN subscription is included by default for SSN member categories 1 - 3.
This includes the free online Version of Kidney International, Kidney International Supplements and Kidney Internationl Reports.The SSN fees do not include the fees for your FMH Membership.
Möchten Sie Mitglied der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie werden?
Gerne laden wir Sie dazu ein.
Mitglied des Vereins kann ein Facharzt für Nephrologie oder Pädiatrie mit Schwerpunkt Nephrologie, sowie jeder Akademiker werden, der auf dem Gebiet der Nephrologie oder verwandter Fächer wissenschaftlich gearbeitet und Veröffentlichungen aufzuweisen hat.
Ein Aufnahmegesuch sollte Ihr Curriculum Vitae beinhalten und ein Empfehlungsschreiben von zwei SGN-Mitgliedern.
Dieses Gesuch schicken Sie bitte jeweils vor dem 1. Oktober an das Office, damit dieses geprüft werden kann.
Die offizielle Aufnahme wird anlässlich der alljährlich im Dezember organisierten Generalversammlung vollzogen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Gesuch und bedanken uns schon jetzt für Ihr Interesse an unserer Fachgesellschaft.
FMH/ISFM title
CHF Gebühr/Jahr
With FMH/ISFM title
You carry an FMH/ISFM title in either internal medicine, nephrology, pediatrics or equivalent title from other countries
Without FMH/ISFM title
You do not carry an FMH/ISFM title
You are retired but wish to have the collective ISN membership
You are retired and do not wish the ISN collective membership
ISN subscription is included by default for all SSN member categories.
This includes the free online Version of Kidney International, Kidney International Supplements and Kidney Internationl Reports.The SSN fees do not include the fees for your FMH Membership.
Vous souhaitez devenir membre de la Société Suisse de Néphrologie?
Nous vous y convions volontiers!
Tout médecin spécialiste en néphrologie ou pédiatrie avec spécialisation en néphrologie ainsi que tout diplômé de l’enseignement supérieur ayant fait de la recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la néphrologie ou des disciplines connexes et ayant des publications à son actif peut devenir membre de la société.
Votre candidature sera proposée à l’assemblée générale annuelle (en décembre) de la SSN/SGN si vous nous faites parvenir un dossier contenant votre curriculum vitae et deux lettres de parrainage de membres de la SSN/SGN (à adresser à l'Office avant le 1er octobre chaque année).
Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt pour notre Société et nous réjouissons de vous y accueillir.
Frais d'adhésion
FMH/ISFM title
Frais de CHF/année
With FMH/ISFM title
You carry an FMH/ISFM title in either internal medicine, nephrology, pediatrics or equivalent title from other countries
Without FMH/ISFM title
You do not carry an FMH/ISFM title
You are retired but wish to have the collective ISN membership
You are retired and do not wish the ISN collective membership
ISN subscription is included by default for all SSN member categories.
This includes the free online Version of Kidney International, Kidney International Supplements and Kidney Internationl Reports.The SSN fees do not include the fees for your FMH Membership.
Join SSN today and support Swiss wide efforts in advancing kidney care.
The benefits of SSN membership are:
- Possibility to actively work within the Swiss Nephrology Society, be part of the Board, or participate to various commissions or to the Dialysis registry,...
- Receive E-mail notifications on nephrology news, CME information, new health policies and much more...
- Reduced registration fee at the Swiss Nephrology annual Meeting
- Unrestricted access to the members only pages of the website.
- Get the pdf of lectures given during the annual meeting!
- Exclusive access to the SSN membership directory.
Membership fee
Category | Details | CHF Fee/Year |
1 | You have an FMH/ISFM title in either internal medicine, nephrology, pediatrics or an equivalent title from other countries | 350.00 |
2 | You do not carry an FMH/ISFM title | 300.00 |
3 | You are retired | 100.00 |
4 | Young Swiss Nephrology (YSN) You are a young physician (<40 years old) with completed state examination or academic with university degree and are interested in nephrology |
50.00 |
As of January 1, 2024 the Membership to ERA is included by default in all categories. The SSN fees do not include the fees for your FMH Membership. |
You wish to become a member of the Swiss Society of Nephrology?
We cordially invite you to do so.
SSN statutes - requirements for membership - Art. 3 Ordinary Members.
The SSN is composed of individual members, all of whom are entitled to vote and hold elective office (full members, honorary members, Young Swiss Nephrology).
A specialist in nephrology or pediatrics with a focus on nephrology, as well as any academic who has worked scientifically in the field of nephrology or related subjects and has publications to his credit, may become an ordinary member of the SSN.
Your application should be accompanied by your CV and two recommendation letters by SSN members.
Young Swiss Nephrologists are requested to apply online and send a CV only.
Any young physician (< 40 years old) with a completed state examination or academic with a university degree and an interest in nephrology can become a member of the YSN
The General Assembly taking place in December will approve your application and therefore we need all relevant documents by September 30 the latest of the year in question.
They can be submitted online.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest in our Society.
Deadline for application: September 30th (midnight)