The Swiss Society of Nephrology (SSN) was established in 1969 in Berne by 17 members. Today, the SSN has more than 200 members; of these, the majority work as specialist in nephrology. The SSN is a member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH).
The Board consists of 10 members. The three major linguistic regions as well as the university and non-university centres are represented.
Colleagues in private practices and research centres as well as nephro- paediatrics are also represented.
The president of the Dialysis commission and the president of the Swiss renal foundation are also part of the Board.
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La Société Suisse de Néphrologie (SSN) a été fondée à Berne en 1969 par 17 membres. Aujourd'hui, la SSN en compte plus de 200, qui pratiquent, pour la plupart, comme spécialistes en néphrologie. La SSN est elle-même membre de la Fédération des Médecins Suisses (FMH).
Le Comité central de la SSN se compose d’environ 10 membres, représentants les trois grandes régions linguistiques, les centres hospitaliers universitaires et non-universitaires, les néphrologues en pratique privée et les centres de recherche sur le rein.
Les néphrologues pédiatres y sont aussi représentés.
Le président de la Commission de Dialyse et le président de la Fondation du Rein (Nierenstiftung) participent également aux travaux du Comité.
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Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie wurde 1969 in Bern durch 17 Ärzte, welche auch die ersten 17 Mitglieder waren, gegründet. Heute hat die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie über 200 Mitglieder, welche mehrheitlich als Nephrologen arbeiten.
Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie ist ihrerseits wieder Mitglied der FMH.
Der Vorstand der SGN wird von ca. 10 Mitgliedern gebildet. Sie repräsentieren die drei grossen Sprachregionen in der Schweiz, die universitären Zentren, die nicht universitären Spitäler, die Nephrologen in den Privatpraxen sowie die Forschungsinstitutionen in den diversen Universitätskliniken.
Ebenfalls ist im Vorstand die pädiatrische Nephrologie vertreten. Der Präsident der Dialysekommission und der Präsident der Nierenstiftung sind ex officio Mitglied des Vorstandes.
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SSN is the professional organization of the Swiss Nephrologists and the Swiss Scientists working in the field of Nephrology and its associated topics. SSN was founded in 1969 by 17 members. Today SSN has more than 200 active members.
Tasks, Activities and Goals
- SSN represents, promotes and defends the interest of its members toward the Swiss people and toward the Swiss political and medical institutions.
- encourages and supports basic and clinical research around the kidney and its associated diseases and Organizes an annual scientific meeting, CME-days with courses in ultrasound, urine sediment, renal transplantation etc.
- fosters the quality of current Nephrology practice in Switzerland
- operates the Swiss Dialysis Registry
- Organizes the board exams, controls and validates continued education in Nephrology and controls the 6-year curriculum for obtaining the FMH title of a specialist in Nephrology, in accordance with federal laws
- Promotes and supports trainees and research fellows below 40 years of age interested in an academic, clinical or research career in Nephrology
- The Members assembly elects the board, the president and the members of the commissions and the dialysis registry as well as the presidents of the working groups. It relieves the board from its responsibilities.
- The Board Members represent the three main linguistic regions of Switzerland, the University Centers, the teaching hospitals and the private dialysis centers as well as the research Institutions and pediatric nephrology.
- The Swiss Dialysis Registry
- Commissions:
- Dialysis Commission
- Exam Commission: organizes the board exams
- Training and Continuing Education Commission
- The Specialty Title Commission
- Scientific Commission
- Working Groups
- Working Group on rare and inherited Kidney Disorders
- Working Group on Diabetic Nephropathy
- Working Group on Renal Echography
- Working Group Quality
- Working Group on Nutrition, Sarcopenia and Bone disease
- Young Swiss Nephrology
Associated Organizations
- FMH: SSN is a member of the Swiss Medical Association FMH
- ERA: SSN has a close partnership with ERA
- SSN participates in meetings with French and German Nephrology Societies
- Swiss Kidney Foundation (SKF) is supported and is part of SSN and the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort is supported by SSN
Back Office SSN:
Update: 10.10.23